This collection of posters and flyers should grow over time, hopefully not too much as that would mean the fight is too long, but the point of this page is that campaign resources can be shared and recycled more effectively nationwide.
If you've any more you'd like to send for me to consider publishing, email me by clicking the email icon on the pink header or footer menus
These highlight not just the absurdity of the current laws, but the massive trust issues it's creating between legal prescription holders and the police. They're not building any bridges between cannabis users and the police, and I personally prefer to try to educate, but I firmly believe they deserve a place here. They're borne from frustration but I think the points they raise are perfectly legitimate. While the system is as it is, all we ask is that the police know the law so that we can carry and use our legal prescriptions safely without risk of persecution. These posters were brought out as a response to a January 2022 meeting at Parliament Square when the second reading of The Medical Cannabis (Access) Bill was previously meant to occur. Whereas the person with her prescription tub in the policeman's hand states that she was treated courteously (and it was returned to her once he'd made his enquiries), the fact remains that prescription cannabis holders face the stress and pressure of persecution as it is not uncommon for the police, as in this case, not to be aware that it is legal on prescription. It's just not available on the NHS........ yet. These are shared courtesy of Bristol Cannabis Club and Ryan Kief, of the excellent resource and store. One thing I will point out though, which might be stating the obvious, but if the information isn't being disseminated from above, it's hardly the fault of individual officers, but it is of course their responsibility to treat patients, as any other members of the public, with dignity and respect.
As one of the posters says, "have you ever had a copper confiscate your aspirin?"