Site Contents

As a resource hub, there is a lot of content on this website, so I've created this page to help you get around more easily. I've ordered the resources section alphabetically, but the How Can I Help? section in the order that seemed logical. Don't ask me why, but that's how my brain works. Click the pink or green link to go to the page.

If you find this resource useful, please consider sharing with others, either as
or by sharing my digital campaign card if you prefer. (no, I didn't know what one of those was before either).

>About Me
>My Articles and updates

How Can I Help?:

>Parliament Now
>Political Influencing
>Campaign Materials
>Information for Venues

>Books and Merchandise
>Discrimination (and Stigma)
>Free Canna-Resources
>Global Cannabis (laws around the world)
>Guest Articles
>Hemp and it's many uses
>Mental health, Trauma and Addiction ( (includes documentary and show recommendations)
>Private Prescriptions (includes Legal Information and prescription-friendly spaces,highly recommended)

and for highly recommended resources elsewhere...

Click the banner below for a wealth of historical, diverse and bang-up-to-date resources from the Cannabis Campaigners Guide.

Click the image below to see how you can help by getting involved in the latest Seed Our Future campaign. Guy Coxall, one of the founders spends much of his time providing court support around the UK for prescription holders who, through no fault of their own, find themselves on the receiving end of the messiness of cannabis law. He doesn't get paid for this. I realise times are tough but if you can spare a donation, you can also do so. It shouldn't be, but it's essential work right now.

Click the banner below to learn about the mindboggling world of Novel Foods and CBD regulations.

"The Cannabis Industry Council brings together organisations, businesses, and groups working in many different ways to promote the cause of medical cannabis, hemp and CBD". Click the logo for access to their publications, guidance and recommendations.

An educational and research resource from the creators of Project Twenty21 (T21), a data collection-based discount scheme for prescription cannabis (for those on low incomes) . Click the logo above for resources, research and details of the scheme.

The Sanskara Platform is made up of patient advocates, but I really recommend you check out their website if you're a patient, or are employing one. They provide some really useful guides on topics that can be difficult to find, such as travelling abroad with prescription cannabis and your responsibilities towards an employer as a prescribed patient.

Last but not least, I'm pleased to have become an occasional guest writer for
Click the banner below to access their website for all sorts of cannabis related information, guidance and more. Subscribe and you'll see any posts I write before they're on here.