- Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP)(ex-police) response to comments made by Devon Cornwall Police Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez
- Hemp Hound Agency response to comments made by Police Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez
-Transform Drug Policy Foundation Response to Government White Paper 'Tough on Drug Possession'
- Activist Byron Huggins video response to an anti-drugs message posted on Social Media by a police officer.
When you've done here....
I've written a couple of articles of the subject so when you've done here, don't forget to head over to My Articles and Updates
It astonishes me how much misinformation remains in the public domain, and continues to be disseminated by the Bodies meant to protect us like the Police and the National Health Service. Lack of effort to raise awareness of the medicinal benefits and indeed, inform the public that albeit mostly privately, it's available on prescription and has been for some time, denies many the opportunity to see if it might help them, and perpetuates negative attitudes towards those who do consume it, legally or otherwise. These issues are widespread, and the examples below are by no means unique.
L.E.A.P. Response to comments by PCC Alison Hernandez about reclassification of cannabis to Class A
After comments made by PCC Alison Hernandez (Devon, Cornwall and the Scilly Isles) Cefyn Jones from Hemp Hound Agency contacted her and wrote this Blog in response.
Transform Drug Policy Foundation Response to Government White Paper