
- Information relating to vaping prescribed cannabis in public spaces
- Being a wheelchair user in 2022 Britain
- My suggestions for improving your venues accessibility
- Statutory guidance/ further reading

If it's UK guidance relating to
cannabis prescriptions rather than disability access...

Click here to visit my Guidance for Patients, which includes those most recent for public venues

If you'd like to visit the Law page...

by Clicking here, you can find links to The Equality Act (2010)

BEING A WHEELCHAIR USER IN 2022 BRITAIN (Spoiler Alert: It's a bit rubbish!)

I am really blessed in that over the past couple of years, several more pubs, cafes, shops, markets and creative spaces have opened within a couple of streets of me that are accessible to wheelchairs. Some have had to be really creative because the age of the building not lending itself but they've done a sterling job.  I shouldn't feel blessed though. It's 2022 and everywhere should be.  I thoroughly recommend you follow the campaigner Nina Tame on YouTube and Facebook or Twitter, as she is a wheelchair user too, but she makes some really valuable insights and videos about physical disability as she has a disabled son and a non-disabled husband. She's particularly great on video. Unlike me, who has always found public and online speaking terrifying. This is what I do for you my friends, and you are most welcome 😘.

Anyway, it's February 2022 and a couple of days ago I fell out of my wheelchair and landed on the road because a puddle obscured a hole in the road. I'm perfectly fine apart from slightly bruised hands, but this kind of thing isn't overly unusual. I have a complaint lodged with the railway because I've recently had two journeys, one where my manual wheelchair got bent because there was a pillar blocking part of the wheelchair carriage access and the other where I had to physically crawl up the ramp because the same problem was even greater.  I've had a National Express driver take much of my weight helping me on to his coach as I'd been told it was wheelchair accessible, I've been carried up a huge flight stairwell onto a flight full of gawping passengers because the flight operators forgot me, I've gone home because of a broken lift, or because when the venue told me it was accessible when it wasn't. I've even had a close friend (if we weren't before, we would be after that) physically hold me onto a hotel shower seat because it was unsuitable and I kept falling off. I think you get the picture.

Pubs, Cafes, Clubs, Restaurants

Here is a list of my suggestions with regards to accessibility for those with mobility issues and other illnesses or disabilities:

WEBSITES (last updated 21st February 2022)

Make information clear and easy to find and read. 
Be detailed.  Include pictures plus:
Measurements of door widths
Measurements of all step heights, including door lips
Is there a ramp? Where is it located?
Which ways do doors open?
(both ways is preferable, with ability to hook either magnetically or manually)
Where is the disabled toilet?
(Again, pictures please)
Is it locked by radar key?
Is there one behind the bar, available on request?
What facilities does it have? (e.g. hoist, baby changing)
Is there a quiet area?
(for example, for those with autism or oversensory problems)
Is there a food and drink menu?
(I find it difficult to make decisions quickly, so reading in advance is helpful).
How do I find you?
(by different types of transport, plus  map)
How do I contact you?
(preferably telephone and email options)
What is your vaping policy?
(there are occasions where not getting my prescription medicinal cannabis immediately could result in a non-epileptic fit)
If you are a music venue, do you offer complimentary companion tickets for those of us who require an assistant and if so, how do we obtain it? (please don't make this too complicated a process)

AT YOUR VENUE (last updated 21st February 2022)

Clear signage
Where is the ramp?
Are there steps? (paint edges clearly to assist partially sighted patrons)
Is there a disabled entrance?
Where is the disabled toilet?
Do I need a radar key?
How do I get one?
Is there baby changing?
Is there a quiet area?
Can you assist with drinks on request? (carrying not drinking)
Offer for wheelchair users to remain in wheelchair or transfer to another seat
Where are menus?
Available formats?

BE CREATIVE (Last updated 21st February 2022)

I have seen some excellent examples of places where you wouldn't have thought it possible for a wheelchair user to attend, and yet I have.  Even if you're wheelchair accessible but don't have a disabled toilet, there is perhaps a nearby venue you could agree with to send patrons to for instance.

TRAIN YOUR STAFF (Last updated 21st February 2022)

Don't assume that your staff members or indeed you have a good knowledge of disabilities.  Mine is limited but it was comparatively non-existent before I became disabled myself.  Involve people with different disabilities in your business so that you know you have experts in your midst. And do not address my assistant when you should be addressing me.  I can talk, but it's depressing how often this happens.

Last but not least, please try to make the experience of learning about and attending your venue as straight-forward and pleasant as it could possibly be for people with disabilities and illnesses, including invisible ones.  Don't just give us dedicated telephone numbers that are available twice a day.  Look at ways that we can book online too, like anyone else. 


Many thanks to Clare Sutherland at 'Attitude Is Everything' for providing this.  Attitude is Everything are a charitable organization aimed at "Improving Deaf and Disabled People's Access to Live Music", so if you're a venue, check them out on:

Part 'M' Building Regulations - Ramps: pdf

Part 'M' Building Regulations - Accessible Toilets: pdf

Accessible Sports Facilities - Accessible Toilets: pdf

This is produced by Attitude is Everything, as guidance aimed at smaller venues:

Further Reading

Statutory guidance (Full version, last updated 2021)
Access to and use of buildings: Approved Document M (Gov.UK) - Building regulation in England to ensure that people are able to access and use buildings and their facilities: