If you're a driver and you drive under the influence on any prescription or illegal drugs, it's important you know your rights.  CLICK THE PICTURE to go to the Government Guidance.... Or carry on reading and access it from the essential reading for drivers below.


Unfortunately, much as I would like to be giving people better news on this page, despite cannabis being legal on prescription for a number of years now, it does happen that even legally prescribed consumers get stopped from time to time as unfortunately, apart from a startling number of officers being unaware of the law change, my understanding is that road traffic laws haven't been updated accordingly, muddying the waters further. Your prescription is your legal defence, but it's still best to be as aware of your rights as you can be in case issues arise. This is about the most up to date set of resources you'll find and I'll endeavour to keep it that way, but if you're a driver I strongly you recommend you read them just in case. One is actually guidance aimed at assisting police by clarifying the legal actuality. Most were written by or involved Guy Coxall from Seed Our Future, and you'll struggle to find someone who knows more on the subject.

Cannabis Industry Council (2023a) Cannabis & Driving: Guidance for patients – Cannabis Industry Council. https://www.cicouncil.org.uk/resources/cannabis-driving/cannabis-driving-guidance-for-patients/.

Cannabis Industry Council (2023a) Cannabis & Driving - Recommendations – Cannabis Industry Council. https://www.cicouncil.org.uk/resources/cannabis-driving/cannabis-driving-recommendations/.

Cannabis Industry Council (2023b) Guidance for police: Prescribed Cannabis Medicine - Possession, Use and driving – Cannabis Industry Council. https://www.cicouncil.org.uk/resources/cannabis-driving/guidance-for-police-prescribed-cannabis-medicine-possession-use-and-driving/.

Department for Transport (UK) (updated August 2017) Changes to Drug Driving Limits. Gov.uk. Crown Copyright. Available online at: .https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/drug-driving#table-of-drugs-and-limits

Department for Transport (accessed 1 September 2023) Drugs and Driving: The Law. Gov.uk. Crown Copyright. Available online at: https://www.gov.uk/drug-driving-law

Department for Transport (UK) (5 April 2022) Medical Cannabis and Road Safety. Gov.uk. Crown Copyright. Available online at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/medical-cannabis-and-road-safety

Sanskara Platform, The (2023a) Driving ‣ The Sanskara Platform. https://thesanskaraplatform.co.uk/for-patients/driving/.

Seed our Future Campaign (2022) Cannabis and driving defences. https://www.seedourfuture.co.uk/2022/12/22/medical-cannabis-and-driving/.

Seed our Future Campaign (2022b) Driving and cannabis. https://www.seedourfuture.co.uk/2021/10/12/driving-and-cannabis/.


Ledger, E. (1 December 2022) Can You Drive If You Have a Medical Cannabis Prescription? Leafie Magazine. Available online at: https://www.leafie.co.uk/articles/medical-cannabis-driving/

Wicks, J. (19 August 2020) HGV Drivers, Drug Testing and The Law. Cansford Laboratories Ltd. Available online at: https://blog.cansfordlabs.co.uk/hgv-drivers-drug-testing-and-the-law

Page updated: February 2024