- Regular (ish) updates (most recent first)
- Seed Our Future campaign: How you can get involved
- Gary Youds and the Cannabis App
- Protect Our Patients campaign (Urge MPs to support General Practitioner prescribing of cannabis.
- What UK Political Parties Think About UK Drug Laws:
Further ways to influence UK Drug Policy 

MAY 2024

Many police forces are unaware of cannabis laws in the UK, there remains a wide variation in police stances and even those with legitimate, legal prescriptions find themselves in custody or in court. Seed Our Future came up with these template letters a while back so that those wanting to try and bring this to the attention of their local authorities could do so. I've deliberately skipped campaign no.1 for now as that's to write to your Member of Parliament and there's no sense in doing that when we're due a general election I don't think. If you think otherwise, just go straight to the Seed Our Future campaign address:

Campaign No. 2

To get contact details for your Police and Crime Commissioner, click the following link:

To get contact details for your local police force, click the following link :

To get contact details for your local magistrates and crown courts, click the following link:

Campaign No. 3

To get contact details for your local councillors, click the following link:

When you've got the details you want, click the following Seed Our Future link to access the template letters (which are easy to download and complete):

The Cannabis App 

Last month I was super happy to report that Gary Youds was finally out of prison (where he'd unjustly served time for providing a sick person with cannabis oil) and to draw your attention to him discussing his time there and his future plans with Simpa Carter on Simpa's podcast. So along those lines I'd like to introduce you to the Cannabis App. I'd describe it as a fledgling app, as it's only been out a few months, but I believe I was told it's been four years in the making. Anyhow, it's in a nutshell, a forum and encrypted chat system, designed in collaboration with Gary to improve networking across every aspect of the cannabis world. It's a new idea, and goodness knows we need them, so personally I'm interested to see how it pans out. I've spoken to Gary, which was an absolute pleasure and he definitely isn't sounding like a man with a broken spirit, so I'm excited to seeing his plans come to fruition too.

So without further ado, introducing... The Cannabis App:
(Sorry, you need to cut and paste this one for some reason.)

Take a look, see what you think!


If you've visited this page before, you'll have seen a campaign calling for the release of a gentleman called Gary Youds, who was incarcerated on cannabis charges. Not that he should ever have been in, but I'm pleased to announce that Gary recently got released. You can hear about Gary's plans by listening to this interview with Simpa Carter:

This campaign includes a template letter that you just need to print/ sign and send to your Member of Parliament to urge them to lend their support.

Click the image below
to be redirected