Although I've had a prescription for a few years now, the system has evolved in many ways I don't pretend to understand. At time of writing this, December 2024, there are, according to Medbudwiki, 48 cannabis-prescribing clinics, all with slightly different procedures, pricing systems and low income schemes available (Project Twenty21 from DrugScience has now ended, unfortunately). They may also offer different specialties. I'd say Medbudwiki, another patient-led site, remains the best resource for keeping up to speed, not just for clinics, but pharmacies and stock levels. I must confess, I use it less than I'd like, because I find it too hard to understand that much information on one screen, but I don't know how you get round that. It can't guarantee 100% accuracy, but it's a very useful tool. Not always, but usually, you will be expected to have tried two treatments (not necessarily pharmaceutical), before you will be prescribed cannabis.
A last note on clinics is they have differing stances on cannabis from a legal standpoint, by which I mean some support full legalisation, others have been critical of perceived ‘recreational’ applicants. This may not influence your decision as to who you go with, but I thought it worth a mention, as it definitely would mine. Apart from my firm belief that all cannabis use is medicinal anyway, I'd like a doctor to at least pretend they don't view me as some kind of deviant. Personal judgement of that nature really isn't their job in my view.
Click Medbudwiki link below for clinic listings: