As I've stated plenty of places on this website, a prescription of cannabis, as with any medicine, means you're not restricted to certain venues (go anywhere you like, just be aware they might even know it's legally available yet). But if you're looking for prescription-specific popups that are held regularly but aren't every day, here are the ones I'm aware of: Do contact event organizers directly for more details as all events are subject to change and I may lose track.
Brighton, England
Vape parties with the UPA (Brighton, England)
Clark French and the United Patients Alliance have been holding regular events in Brighton for some time now. Click the UPA link to keep checking for future events:
Next, we have a regular meet-up that is now being hosted on a monthly basis. Like myself, the host, Louise McConnell, aka The Canna Nana, Derry, has held a prescription for a number of years now and she has done absolutely bucket loads to try and raise awareness of the benefits of cannabis for medicinal purposes. If you are on Facebook/ Meta, you can check for further details and future events by following their page on:
Here are some images of Sketchy Beats Cafe, kindly provided by Cannabis Meet-Up, Edinburgh.
Lanark, Scotland
If you've seen my prescription friendly venues page, you may have read about The Entourage Effect. The last Saturday of every month, they host a monthly event for patients and those curious about becoming one. Address: 16 St Leonard Street, Lanark, Scotland If you're on Facebook, you can go to join the Medicinal Cannabis Edinburgh group to keep up to date with these events by clicking the following link:
No pop-up events due in Wales as far as I'm aware, but they are on the increase so I'm sure it won't be long.
There's a big world out there, and a noisy social media, so there are bound to be events I don't know about. If you know of any you think I should consider including, please do email me on Details of the event, including: 1. Time and date, 2. Location address, 3. Social media or website page, 4. Pictures and/ or posters and 5. anything else attendees need to know.
Please give as much notice as possible as I'm definitely not built for speed.
Thank you xx
If you're looking for prescription-friendly member's clubs and online events, click the link and shimmy back to this page: Prescription-friendly Venues